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How to Design Your Garden with Jacquie Felix-Mitchell

Come along to this talk & worksop with BBC Gardeners' Question Time Contributor,  RHS Chelsea Host, and Tobyfest Speaker Jacquie, to find out how to make the best of your garden.

This event includes an informative talk on the Principles of Garden Design which you can apply to your own garden, be it a balcony, courtyard, medium or large garden. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for questions and answers. This will be followed by a bespoke group surgery, offering you tips and advice on how to make the best of your own outdoor space. there will be an opportunity to book a follow on Consultation ( for an additional fee) after the event. refreshments of Mint tea and  muffins will be available and are included in  your fee.

£65 including Refreshments

Please book through my eventbrite link


August 27

OIL PAINTING COURSE with Suzy Fasht - Print Studio